scrap e blog

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Forth week of summer- June 21st-June 27th

The kids were in rock climbing camp at our gym this week and loved it! The day I took my camera the batteries were dead- of course- so I will take some pictures the next time we go climb. After camp I would work out then it was home time or TKD for Kennedy. Kendrick had two birthday parties this weekend for some friends from his old school. We played outside in the rain and after dinner one night tried to find the end of the rainbow!

Love the rain!

Dylan's birthday at Monkey Joe's.

Faelyn's birthday at Jump Zone!

Third week of summer! June 14th - 20th

This was another low key week. We went to the pool and gym almost everyday and Kennedy had belt testing for Tae Kwon Do. Here are some pictures from her testing.

Finishing her form. She had to learn 18 moves.
Getting ready to spar. Kickin' someone's tail! Get him!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Second week of summer, June 7th - 13th

Okay so a little more excitement this week. We attended VBS at Aunt Jane's new church and had a blast! The kids loved it! Sorry I don't have any pictures- just trust me!
We went to the Children's museum on Tuesday to see Super Why after VBS. Well that was Target Free Tuesday and after 1 everyone has to wait in line. So we waited for an hour and then didn't even see Super Why because the kids were having some snacks and by the time we got up he was gone! Oh, well they had a good time playing and we say Mr. Greg perform.
This summer I am having both the kids spend some time each day doing something educational. They can read, work on the computer or do some work in workbooks or with manipulatives. They complain when I say it is time to do it but don't want to stop once they get started!
After Kennedy's reading class on Saturday we went to Lake Altoona ( not sure of the spelling) to hang out with Uncle Jeff and his crew!
Here are some pictures of this week!

Keep that brain working!
Fun computer time! They normally go on alone.
Having fun at the kid's museum.Dancing to Mr. Greg!
Kids first boat ride at the lake!

Next time we will try tubing!

Kennedy jumped right in the water and had a blast. Jr took a little coaxing but then enjoyed it!
After dinner ride!
Had to give the ducks their dinner too!

The first week of summer! May 30-June 6th

Not much happened the first week of summer (well really the second week but I had to work two days last week and jr was in school all week so we didn't really kick it off till now!). We ran errands, planned out all the free things we could for the summer, went to the gym and the pool. We also signed Kennedy up for the reading rewards program at the local library and Barnes and Nobles.
Hopefully the summer will be full of fun times and special memories!